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train diagram中文是什么意思

用"train diagram"造句"train diagram"怎么读"train diagram" in a sentence


  • 列车运行表
  • "train"中文翻译    vt. 1.训练;培养,养成;锻炼(身体);【园艺】使向 ...
  • "diagram"中文翻译    n. 图,图形,图解;【数学】作图。 a diagram ...
  • "freight train hour diagram" 中文翻译 :    货物列车 小时图(每天列车 次数与列车运行小时的关系图)
  • "gear train diagram" 中文翻译 :    齿轮系图解
  • "parallel train diagram" 中文翻译 :    平行运行图
  • "period in the train diagram" 中文翻译 :    运行图周期
  • "primary train diagram" 中文翻译 :    基本运行图
  • "train diagram describer" 中文翻译 :    列车运行图描述器
  • "train diagram for doubletrack" 中文翻译 :    双线运行图
  • "train diagram for singletrack" 中文翻译 :    单线运行图
  • "train diagram in pairs" 中文翻译 :    成对运行图
  • "train diagram not in pairs" 中文翻译 :    不成对运行图
  • "train diagram plotter" 中文翻译 :    运行图描绘仪
  • "train flow diagram" 中文翻译 :    车流图
  • "variant train diagram" 中文翻译 :    分号运行图
  • "by train" 中文翻译 :    乘火车; 坐火车
  • "in the train" 中文翻译 :    在火车上
  • "in train" 中文翻译 :    准备就绪
  • "on a train" 中文翻译 :    乘火车 (可想像“骑”在火车上,哈哈); 乘火车(可想像“骑”在火车上)
  • "on the train" 中文翻译 :    在火车上
  • "the train" 中文翻译 :    火车; 末班车; 铁路敢死队; 月光列车; 战斗列车
  • "train" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.训练;培养,养成;锻炼(身体);【园艺】使向一定方向生长,整形,整枝 (up; over)。 2.瞄准,对准(炮等) (on; upon)。 3.〔罕用语〕拖,曳。 4.〔古语〕引诱,吸引 (away; from)。 vi. 1.接受训练;练习;锻炼身体 (for)。 2.〔口语〕坐火车旅行;〔美俚〕交际,来往;〔美俚〕跳来跳去。 At school we should train young children (how) to be good citizens. 我们在初等学校应当训练青少年(如何)当好优秀公民。 half-trained 训练[锻炼 ]不够的。 over-trained 训练[锻炼]过度的。 under-trained 训练[锻炼]差的。 train fine 严格训练[锻炼]。 He was trained to be a doctor but later on he decided to become an actor instead. 他接受的是医生的训练,可是后来却决定做演员了。 Every morning he spends two hours training for race. 他每天早晨花两个小时锻炼赛跑。 train down (选手)练轻体重。 〔口语〕 train it 坐火车去。 train off 用锻炼减轻[减肥];(子弹)打歪,没打中。 train on 练好。 train with 〔美国〕交往;合作[联合]。 n. 1.列车,火车。 2.队伍;一行,排,列;系列;〔集合词〕随从,随员。 3.链,(思想等的)连续;一连串(事件);接着发生的事件,后事,结果。 4.次序;状态。 5.拖在后头的东西;衣裙;【军事】辎重队;后勤部队;(炮架的)架尾;彗星的尾;鸟尾;导火线;(重而长的)大雪橇。 6.【机械工程】(传动的)轮列,轮系;齿轮组。 a down [an up] train 下行[上行]列车。 a funeral train 送丧的队伍。 a long train of sightseers 一大批游客。 an accommodation [express] train 普通[特快]列车。 a through train 直达列车。 All is now in (good) train. 完全停当了,全好了。 Everything fell into its old train again. 一切又恢复原状了。 train of mechanism 【机械工程】机构系。 train of powder 【军事】导火线。 by train 坐火车。 catch [make] one's train 正赶上火车。 in (good) train 准备妥当。 in the train of 接着,继…之后。 miss one's train 没赶上火车。 put on a special train 挂临时加车。 put things in train 安排妥贴。 ride the gravy train 获得赚钱好机会;干不费劲的活儿。 take train to ... 坐火车去…。 train de luxe 花车。
  • "train it" 中文翻译 :    坐火车去
  • "train on" 中文翻译 :    锻炼得有所改善; 锻炼效果
  • "train with" 中文翻译 :    结交


  • Analysis on rational applied modes of high - speed train diagram in our country
  • A discussion on organizing the arriving and disintegrating system of marshalling stationin new train diagram
  • The main research contents are as follows : 1 . system analysis on the data management system for train diagram
  • For the data management system of train diagram , the part of the train diagram system , it " s the same
  • Further more , discussing the modes of data distribution and location of the train diagram distributed database
  • Now the research on computer making train diagram has met the requirement of practical work , taking one with another , it wants to be studied deeply
  • 3 . based on the architecture of the train diagram , analysis the two key factors , the minimum interval and buffer time , which affect the carrying capacity
    ( 3 )从研究列车运行图结构着手,详细分析了影响线路通过能力的两个重要因素:最小列车间隔时间和缓冲时间。
  • Based on the system idea and design means of management information system , the dissertation has carried on the research and design of the data management system for train diagram
  • Discussing the structure of the data management system lor train diagram , and proposing a web - based distributed application settlement scheme which bring convenience to the users
  • Scheme design has been performed to the implementation of the data management system for train diagram , and it has thoroughly discussed the process of building the train diagram distributed database
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"train diagram"造句  


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